Swaggaraptor Commissions

Please view my TOS before contacting me!~

Full Body

Half Body

Reference Sheets

Prices will vary depending on the complexity you desire. Simple characters with simple refs can be as low as $40 (example 5) while others can be as high as $150 (Example 6).
Ref sheets can take anywhere between 3-6 hours of work time depending on what is requested and how complex the character may be.


My name is Jay and I am 29, NB using She/They, and a full time educator.
My spare time is spent playing videos games and drawing.
As of the summer of 2020 I have been looking into animation using OpenToonz and Krita.


Twitter (@swaggarapt0r) Discord (Swaggaraptor#6969) and Telegram (Swaggaraptor) are the easiest ways to contact me next to e-mail ([email protected]).